Being Vocal for Local

Prime Minister Modi has urged the nation to be vocal about the local

Prime Minister Modi has urged the nation to be vocal about the local in his recent speech, he encouraged the local products in his tweet as well by saying that "Local is not merely a need but a responsibility". Since his speech, the terms such as "Vocal for local" and 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' have become trending topics across engagement platforms. Mr.  LD Sharma, Managing director and Co-founder of Mayhigh films has also shown his diligent efforts in this regard and pointed out that "It's an opportune time for thousands of local brands to showcase their products and services and urge their countrymen to buy locally. As a result, it calls for an immediate need of advertising and branding to attract the attention of local buyers." He advised both government sector and local businesses to follow certain steps to be vocal-
1.       Development of dynamic website & user friendly mobile app– The first step is to develop a dynamic website with SEO friendly content to represent your brand locally and globally where all the information regarding your product or services will be highlighted in the best possible way.
To boost a brand’s online presence, one should publish relevant articles and news on various blogs and top news web portals which will be helpful for SEO purpose.
In addition to the website, user friendly mobile application is an important tool to increase trust, and to increase your credibility, by adding creative content and effective content on this mobile application can help you to boost your local product.

2.       Promotion on Social media  
Social Media is one of the effective ways to connect with your audience, however to get a better output from social media, he advised to "make a good logo for your branding". Some of the useful tips for effective use of social media to promote your business are following:
o    Set social media goals and objectives with proper research about your competitors.
o    Choose right platform according to your targeted audience.
o   Share posts or compelling videos on daily basis on social media to grab the attention of huge audience.

3.       Production of Best Corporate/Promotional Videos-
Effective corporate films/ promotional videos are not only important to provide essential awareness about your products, but also they help you to effectively compete with other stakeholders in the market. Best videos with best concepts representing your brand is crucial for an organization these days to catch the buyer’s attention in this competitive market. Corporate videos build trust in your company & product which boosts your product’s sale.

4.       Advertising on TV & Radio –Promoting your brand with the help of radio and television advertisements is best for brand promotion. TV/radio reach a huge number of audience and builds your brand. Advertising in all helps the brand to stand out among the competitors and create its unique identity. TV /Radio Ads should be creatively and effectively planned so that they can compel the audience for action.

5.       Effective media planning – The most important in tool in ROI driven advertising is "Effective media planning". He pointed out that there should be proper planning about digital media and electronic media moreover he revealed that advertisements can be launched on national level as well but incase you are struggling with budget, manpower and distribution, or with production availability issues, then best way to promote your business is through regional advertising resources. He also suggested that there should be proper knowhow of fct and non fct resources. He suggested that if your budget is high then free commercial time or FCT is best option for you to promote your business but if you have low budget or your aim is B2B marketing or distributor inquiry, non FCT ( bands which run during news/ episode) resources should be utilized.

Being vocal for local products simply means creating awareness about the local brands & products (for local brands) and purchasing local products (for buyers) which can be achieved through effective  advertising and branding.
