TV Advertising- A catalyst to your business growth

Importance of TV Advertising and how to make the most out of it.

If you are in a market and want to buy something; your choice of product is highly influenced by  number of factors. One major factor affecting your decisions is ‘TV advertisements’.
It is estimated that about 90% of the consumer decisions are highly influenced by the advertisements on media as an attractive advertisement on TV gathers huge audience, influence their mind, and builds trust among the viewers. A few benefits of TV advertisement can be sum up as follows:

A. Television has become a major part of everyone has life so the benefit is that huge audience  can be easily attracted through the TV advertisements.

B.  New products need a proper promotion or advertisement so salient features of your    product can be easily explained to huge audience through creative means.

C. Advertisement is a key to stand out in the marketplace among your competitors.

D.   Diversification of your business can be achieved by creative and affordable TV  advertisements.

E.       TV commercials increase the trust of folks in your products.

TV advertising plays a crucial role in establishing your product as a brand and without a proper advertising plan, advertising is mere a waste of money. Advertising affects the brand value and product’s identity in the market which can be enhanced with effective planning and thorough market analysis -

Effective planning:

To make the budget more affordable for advertising, there are certain steps suggested by the experts even before planning, for example, one famous concept is pre-plan your audience.

Planning of your targeted audience depends on your product, its buyer and also on the influence. Advertise your product in a way that your product catches the eyeballs of buyer as well as its influence.

Other important factors deciding your audience include geography, timing, gender, age group and season depending on the kind of product.
This effective planning is only possible when a person makes the required research in the marketplace to understand the particular trends.

     Careful Market analysis and Research:

A proper observation of economic condition and business trends followed by a thorough analysis of your product, its competitors, distribution location and your target audience gives an idea about its marketing strategy.

Keep the track of your competitor’s marketing strategy and try to build up a better one. Keep the cost of your product a little less than your competitors to influence more audience to buy your product.
Hiring a good advertising agency can be a one stop solution to your effective planning and market research.

2. Hiring a good advertising agency

Third parties or certain agencies can also help you with your planning and advertising strategy. Focus on the pros and cons of the agencies before hiring any agency.

Pros of hiring Agency;

A. Agencies have experts with experience of many years so these experienced people     would  be able to make your advertisement and advertising a master piece.

B. Fresh and creative ideas can be easily gathered by hiring these companies.

C.  Saves your much needed time so that you can focus on other matters of the business.

D.  They have less rates of channels compared to the rates given to you by channels as they     buy media in bulk.

E.   They have experts who can negotiate and strategist in better way.

F. An agency’s sole duty is to work for you which relieves you with unnecessary stress.

Cons of hiring Agency;

A.   As marketing agencies are also a type of business, they may seem a bit costly because of   their professional expertise but if you compare with the direct deal, then you will realize the amazing advantage in hiring the agency.

B.   Fraud is one concern if you go third party but you must make sure you have chosen the right agency for your work.

 Hire an advertising agency by keeping in mind that-

A.   Agency knows the needs of targeted audience as well as there is proper know how of   business.

B.  It Maintains transparency in deals and records.

C.    Agency have a team of experts looking after your advertising strategies

D.      Talks about ROI generation through advertising

E.       It has good name in the market

F.       It can properly address your questions as well as the criticism.

3.  General tips:

  There are following important tips that should be kept in mind while media planning-

  1.   Search the TV channels that are more suitable for your product promotion as well as according to your affordability, for example, some local channels can be best because of their advertising packages.
  2.  Check your distribution sales network and accordingly plan for national or regional level advertising,
  3.  Keep your message sweet and simple that covers all the know how of your products within a few seconds, so the audience can be properly guided within the affordable budget.
  4. Research the famous commercials and try to follow their approaches so there will be an improvement in the quality of your project.
  5. Hire a good creative agency which can take care of your advertisement content related concerns.
  6. Invest the seven to 11 percent of your revenues this can be set according to your annual and monthly revenues; for the new businesses 15 percent of total profits or revenues can be the best strategy that should be applied.
  7.  Invest enough to be the competitor in the marketplace. Observe closely the approaches followed by other competitors so you will be able to understand the techniques to make the creative budget.
  8.  Invest in the talent as there are certain techniques that suggest that instead of investing on the certain quantitative approaches; if a company invests on his people and talent within the company this can help the company in diversifying their business.
  9. Make sure that you get a proper ROI out of your advertising investments.
       Managing Director
          Mayhigh Films
